Historic Nottoway Lighthouse
The first and oldest lighthouse in Nottoway County, Virginia, was founded in 2010 at the original site of Mark Park. Set back 8 miles from the main road, the “light up all night” (termed by the locals) provides light 24 hours a day for those who wander the unpopulated forests of Nottoway County. This lighthouse holds many records for being the tallest, brightest, and longest-running of all of Nottoway County.
For more information, follow the light in the woods to the Historic Nottoway County Lighthouse!
Or, attend our GRAND OPENING (Details below).
A grand opening will be held on July 4th, 2010 with a flurry of activities including:
- “Meet the Marker” : A chance to meet with the lighthouse keeper and learn fun facts about lighthouses in Nottoway.
- “Stair-bombing”: Opportunity to run up the stairs of the lighthouse while counting aloud with Mark Schairbaum.
- “Coffee Surprise”: There will be coffee, but do you know where it is and what kind?
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